Feeling Stressed, Overwhelmed and Guilty is horrible, isn’t it! Would YOU Like to Feel Free and Happy Again?
Step 1
Transformational Techniques to ease your Stress Overwhelm and Guilt.
Step 2
Bespoke of Personal rescue plan to get you where you need, free from fear!
Step 3
Boost your confidence and go deeper into your own wellbeing to acheive your goals.
We all have experienced stress at different times in our lives. I too have experienced stress
especially with life’s ups and downs as a career woman and a mother! Having experienced the
pain of the Guilt and the Overwhelm, and have learned a way through this ‘nightmare’, I would
now lovingly like to share my process with you.
– Let’s look at how we can transform your worry and fears by learning and using a range of ‘Stress Management’ techniques that will enable you to gain control of your feelings that threaten your sense of self.
– Let us together Manage The Overwhelm using our bespoke rescue plan, powerful techniques that you can use anytime anywhere.
– Let us Banish Debilitating Guilt and improve your self-esteem so that you feel happy, strong and vibrant again.
“I am fed up with feeling so stressed!I can’t cope with all of the pressure”

“There Is A Feeling Of ‘So Much To Do’ That I ‘m Simply Overwhelmed! Help Me Before I Go Mad!”
Aaargh! That horrible feeling that “If I don’t do it no-one else will!”. It’s literally Overwhelming and its destructive isn’t it?
Well here’s the good news – there are lots of things that I have learned, things that rescued me, and I promise you there IS a way to resolve the pain.
Woman to woman I can help you with new thinking patterns, a refreshing way to look at life and some extremely powerful processes to adopt so that you genuinely can banish that Overwhelm forever.
The good news? There is help at hand….
“I feel SO guilty – going back to work and having a career, as I also have children and love being a Mum”
Oh, my word it is just horrible! I vividly remember going through those exact same feelings… feeling so Guilty at wanting a career and not simply being a Mum.
The pressure is awful. Dropping children at a Nanny’s or at Pre-School when they cry, cling to you, it makes your heartbreak, yet you feel you have to work.
And work isn’t just a financial thing, it’s to stop your brain going foggy! Yes, it ‘IS’ ok to want to work your grey cells not just talk about poo and whether little Jonny or little Mary is talking yet!
Being a working Mum is not easy – but we can make it easier…

Kind words
Here are some of words from my past amazing clients who have worked with me but now are living their lives the best they can. Come along and see for yourself!
(Images of my clients are not displayed due to confidentiality)
I am in my teens and about to move on to being a person of our society. Prior to visiting Andrea I was hardly outgoing and became stressed at the thought of meeting new people, I was even becoming unsocial towards my friends. Andrea believes in your best interests at all times. Her simple yet professional approach is what I believe enhances the outcome of the process. I have not long finished my sessions and already I feel a better person, someone who is confident to meet new faces and ensure new experiences. The help from Andrea couldn’t have come at a more vital phase in my life.
After a series of debilitating traumas, I came to Andrea very distressed; unable to speak clearly and barely able to function properly. She calmly addressed my heightened emotional state immediately, enabling adrenalin to subside and issues to clear progressively throughout the course of the sessions. Her incisive comments provided support and perspective at both the difficult moments and the triumphant. Her generosity of spirit and pragmatic approach has allowed me to look beyond the effects of grief and the unkindness of others and to perceive a future without sadness and fear.
Banish Stress, Overwhelm and Guilt Forever: And here’s how –
“Stress Resilience Coaching” A Complete and Comprehensive Programme Solution.
Assessment of challenges – What’s going on?
Psychological Evaluation – Looking glass
Environment Assessment- Where am I?
Behaviour / Response – What do you do when you are faced with feelings of Stress?
Triggers – What are your Pushing buttons
Mindset Training – Training my Thinking (decision-making)
Explore, Expand, Expose – My Feelings
Reframe/Reprogramming Stress Responses – Thinking differently
Decision-Making – Making Good Choices
Relationships support- Changed relationships
Productivity – Get more done
Happy and Successful – This is Me!
Do you recognise any of the following?
– Are your thoughts in a muddle? Are you are drinking too much?
– Are pressures from work and home life getting you down?
– Is your business or work struggling as a result?
– Do you suffer with procrastination?
– Do you worry about your relationships?
– Do you feel life is not fair and it’s just not worth it?
I could go on and on……