Most people who diet for long periods of time have different stories to tell about why their diet is not working. The general assumption is that they are unable to lose weight long-term because they did not have the willpower to keep dieting, or they were too weak or succumbed to some naughty foods.

The psychology of why some diets don’t work is that people did not know how to keep the weight off long-term. They cannot motivate themselves to keep going on the diet especially if there is a temptation from some foods that they are partial to. They don’t see their setbacks as temporary and they should keep going, not give up. They are unable to control the cravings, sometimes unhealthy emotions overwhelm them and they feel hopeless.

When you start on your new diet it’s really easy in the beginning, but after a period of time, you are unable to persevere.

What To Do If Your Diet Isn’t Working

You can successfully be in control of what you eat and your diet; you just need to know how to. For example, it’s like learning to swim, once you learn how to swim you never forget.

By learning to picture the effects of our behaviour in detail we are able to transform our motivation and change the way we feel and act. We see things clearly in a new light when we think of the consequences of our actions. You see what that behaviour does to you, the full implications of the negative belief.

Some people who diet have misinterpreted their negative thoughts and this prevents them from reaching their ideal weight.

The negative thoughts you self-sabotage your diet are as follows:

  • Justify why you are eating cakes and sweets,
  • Miscalculate the results of eating naughty food,
  • Cheating yourself by saying its ok if I eat this today, I can re-start my diet tomorrow,
  • Rules from your childhood: I cannot waste food because it would mean wasting money and I was taught not to waste food as a child,
  • Not wanting to say no to friends and family when offered a cake or chocolate,
  • Fear of being hungry so eating the chocolate bar or crisps.

Why did my diet not work?

  • You were starving yourself: due to the fact you are not eating enough, you are getting hungry in the middle of the day and then overeating later. Skipping meals means that your body loses its ability to feel full and you feel hungry and fail to burn the calories.
  • You exercise and reward yourself with food: you are possibly not exercising enough for example underestimation the amount of food you have eaten and overestimating your exercise to burn the burn of the calories.
  • You drink unhealthy drinks such as diet colas and no sugar drinks. These drinks can be deceptive and fake sweeteners can trick you into thinking that you are being consistent on you diet. But you might still crave a candy bar because fake drinks do not trigger a dopamine (feel good) release like sugar does.
  • You struggle with your weight due to your friends or family not exercising as well and you all fall in a pattern of eating unhealthy. So if you can make a deal with your friends or a family member to start a new weight loss program, which includes a healthy eating plan and an exercise plan, you will persevere.
  • You have not eaten fast foods or carbohydrates for a long while. This means that your body is lacking in nutrients like essential calcium and vitamin C and you will compensate by eating something that is not good for you and put on weight. Eating a variety of healthy foods, good carbohydrates in fruits and healthy fats is something you need to stick to long-term.

So how can you overcome these negative or self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours? Owning up to them is a good step in the right direction. If you recognise any of the above behaviour be reassured that you’re not the only one who has these thoughts, many other people are in the same boat.

Here are a few things you can do to help yourself, and underneath where you can get further help and support so that your diet does work long-term:

  • Note down on a card your reasons for wanting to lose weight,
  • Plan in advance what you are going to eat and repeat your positive affirmations over and over again to be in control of your cravings,
  • If you crave foods that are not good for you, take your list out about your reasons for wanting to lose your excess weight, also distract yourself,
  • If you get hungry, eat a healthy snack and the feelings of hunger will go away,
  • Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, eat a light dinner not too late in the evening,
  • Choose to exercise regularly and keep at it. Don’t give up,
  • If you do eat some naughty foods, don’t give up keep going on your healthy eating plan. Don’t just keep eating those naughty foods all day,
  • Eat slowly and mindfully, chew carefully and enjoy every bite you eat.

Hypnotherapy can help weight loss with Cognitive Behaviour therapy. It can help you to learn how to change your unhelpful and inaccurate thoughts about why your diet is not working and feel good emotionally. By identifying sabotaging behaviour with your cravings for naughty foods and respond effectively, you will reach your weight loss goals.

  • It helps face your weight loss challenges with self-confidence and you will be able to know what to do when you struggle with your diet,
  • Prepares your mind and body for any sabotaging thoughts, and helps you to become strong,

Find out more about hypnotherapy for weight loss here.